Follow these steps to create a bar that has messages slide in, pause, then slide out.
Please note, this feature requires a subscription to the premium plan
To begin, click on More options found below the message field:
More options will then appear.
Click on Create Sliding Messages:
In the following prompt, you will be able to enter the messages you wish to display (up to 5) as well as how long each message will spend on screen in seconds (each message will stay for the same amount of time):
Click Save.
You'll notice that the app will have inserted code for you in your message field. The code contains the messages. You can still edit the messages at this point. Just make sure not to disrupt the formatting. Underlined in this image is the message text that can be edited.
You may also notice at the bottom that some code has been added there as well:
This code handles the animation of the text sliding in and out. It can also be edited if needed. For example, the length of time each animation takes can be adjusted here:
4s is 4 seconds.
Hopefully that gets you up and running. If you need further help, contact us for support.
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