This function will allow you to edit the Collection SEO that your product(s) is using. You can edit the product template with the following steps:
1. Set up the collection filter
Before anything, make sure that you are in the correct section of the app. Click the the "Bulk Collection Edit" on the homepage of the app, Then click "SEO"
The first step to setting up a bulk edit is to set up the filters. Our app has many fields that you can filter from, which can help you narrow down the collections that you would like our app to edit. Our app also comes with a preview function, so that you can verify if the collections found are correct.
2. Select how to edit your SEO
You can then choose the function you want to use to edit your collection title with, and set up the function as needed. But for this guide, I'm going to show you how change the "set url handle with template". This will make it so my url is properly organized. Before running the task, let me show you how it looks before the edit. Here, we can see that it's simply "shirt"
In step 3, I will be choosing "set url handle with template" and choose the "customize my own template", this will make it so that I will be the one who set the url myself. For this tutorial, I want my url handle to be "new-shirts" so that people will know that this product is a new collection, I will also check the "when completed, create a redirect from old url" so my old url will redirect to my new url.
After doing so, you can run the task by clicking on the "Start Bulk Edit now" button.
Once it's done we can check the "bulk edit tasks" for the result.
Here we can see that it is properly updated. We can also check our store to see if it properly changed the url. You can also try to visit the old url and it should properly redirect you to the new url since we checked "when completed, create a redirect from old url"
You can also follow the video below for an in-depth guide about this.
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